Tampa Bay Times: independent voices

Tom Lee

District 24

For 10 years, Tom Lee was a reasonable voice in the Florida Senate, culminating with a two-year turn as president that ended in 2006.

A builder with deep ties to eastern Hills­borough County, Lee was solidly conservative on budget issues but moderate on education, other social policies and growth management. The Republican championed open government, tempered the clout of lobbyists and brought a sense of unity to the county’s legislative delegation.

Lee, 50, still takes a nuanced view on most policy matters. He would improve the business climate by investing in schools, protecting the environment and crafting a more diverse energy strategy. Florida must strike a “healthy balance,” he insists, between promoting growth and protecting its quality of life.

Democrat Elizabeth Belcher, 62, is a retired investigator for the Internal Revenue Service. She opposes tuition vouchers for private schools and the use of tax incentives to attract firms from out of state. Belcher has solid ideas for promoting mass transit and protecting the environment.

Lee, though, has a broader outlook that appeals across partisan lines. His maturity would help wake up a Legislature focused on short-term results. Lee sees a fundamental role for the state in providing a quality education; he also is strong on consumer issues. And Lee’s deep record of community service gives him a solid feel for Brandon, Plant City and FishHawk.

For Florida Senate District 24, the Tampa Bay Times recommends Tom Lee.

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